
Gradient Endowment Series

An Actively Managed Multi-Asset Strategy


Endowment strategies provide potential growth beyond the classic stock and bond split, by adding a 20% mix of currencies, private equity, commodities, real estate, and more.

Actively Managed

ETF based portfolio focusing on thematic investing, trying to predict long-term trends rather than using specific companies or sectors. The Endowment can also tilt toward market opportunities and away from risk.


Appropriate for most account types, you begin with a minimum of $25,000 and choose between five risk models. This portfolio offers ease of liquidity for both short-term and long-term time horizons.

Large endowment funds have consistently beat the market on a risk-adjusted basis. These funds diversify beyond stocks and bonds, by investing in currency, private equity, commodities, absolute return strategies and more. The result is a portfolio with lower correlation to traditional stock and bond allocations, and better suited to perform in various market conditions. The same opportunities are now available to individual investors via low-cost, publicly-traded ETFs within the Endowment Series.

Portfolio Manager: Mariann Montagne

Mariann Montagne, Chartered Financial Analyst®, has over 20 years of experience working with both institutional and high net worth clients. This includes company and industry sector analysis, risk monitoring and portfolio management in both the equity and fixed income markets. Highly attuned to economic and market conditions, she has extensive experience selecting exchange-traded funds (ETFs).


Five Business Day

Non-correlated Assets

Alternative to stocks and bonds

Time Horizon

Flexible for any Timeframe

Asset Structure

12 to 20 Exchange Traded Funds